Trang chủ » Thiết bị đo kích thước và độ phẳng gạch men

Thiết bị đo kích thước và độ phẳng gạch men


1. Caliber Diagonal Planar  measuring 900x900

Dimensional and planarity control with detection of following defects :

       CALIBER:                                                                     PLANAR:

Diagonal control

Trapeze defect X and Y                                                    Warpage defect

Cushion defect X and Y                                                    Barrier defect

Lenght defect                                                                     Corner defect ( positive and negative )

Width defect                                                                        Side X and Y ( positive and negative )

Classification on 8 calibers                                             Center defect ( positive and negative )

Classification on 4 class of choice                                 Classification on 4 class of choice Calculation           for flatness analysis on structured  materials Flatness calculation with analysis of medium plan Software predisposition for communication with all existing sorting line

Min. 300 x 300 mm ÷ Max. 900 x 900 mm (width x length)

NOTE : The equipment analyse all intermediate sizes between minimum and maximum size.


2. Tile-Transport: Conveyor belts in painted iron L=3700 mm- Băng tải dài

Timing pulley

Timing belts, with iron soul, covered and shimmed. Under-belts in painted iron

Belts guide in Ceram - P Min. size 300 x 300 mm

Max. size 900 x 900 mm (width x length)

3. Tile Aligner

Change size from wheel

       Min. size 300 x 300 mm ÷ Max. size 900 x 900 mm (width x length)

4. Marking system at ink – spraying used to mark defective tiles


Interface board inox tank

Regulating air pressure

              Connection at the equipment